Deeply hued blue allium combine with delicate white clematis to frame this elegant botanical tray. Designed and created by Scott Potter, this special collage of handcut papers under glass is accented with many layers of gold gilding. The back is finished with a handmade paper and carefully sealed for handwashing. Hand signed by Scott Potter. This tray may be used for servingware and as a stunning decorative home accent. Alternate background colorations of either silver gilding or white glaze may be requested. Additional dimensions of rectangular trays are also available: 3″ x 5″, 3″ x 7″, 3″ x 12″. 5″ x 8″, 6″ x 10″, 12″ x 16″, and 12″ x 20″. Call the Scott Potter Studio for more information: (207) 775-3630.